The importance of taking care of your teeth is something that was likely instilled in you since youth. Your parents likely encouraged you to brush and floss multiple times throughout the day, and they likely encouraged you to follow good oral hygiene with the goal of protecting your teeth. Now that you are an adult, you have the responsibility of caring for your own teeth, as well as those of your children. Part of doing this successfully is finding a surgical orthodontist who is right for you.

We know you have a lot of options when it comes to choosing a surgical orthodontist in California, and we are committed to delivering you top-notch care. We value your choice to trust us, and we are here to help you.

Some orthodontic procedures can be long or treatment can be spread out over time. If you need multiple visits to your surgical orthodontist, you want them to make you feel as comfortable as possible by building a strong relationship with you.

Some questions you may want to ask yourself when choosing a surgical orthodontist include:

  • Is there office conveniently located?
  • Do they accept my insurance?
  • How do they treat me and make me feel?

A consultation with our team at any of our four California office can help you answer your questions and address your concerns. We’re here to help you achieve optimum oral health.

What’s most important is the way the orthodontist and their staff make you feel. A good orthodontist should make you feel like you are part of their family. Our mission at Unique Orthodontics is not only to give you the proper care but to also make you feel like you’re part of our family. You’re special to us.

If you are interested in learning more about your options for a surgical orthodontist, contact us today at Unique Orthodontics and schedule a consultation at one of our California offices! We currently have offices in Clovis, Fresno, and Madera, and our office in Tulare is opening soon. Let us help you get the smile you’ve always wanted!

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